Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why do Some People Fail and Some Succeed?

Why do some people fail and some succeed? Is it intelligence? Nope. Dumb people find success and brilliant people find success. Is it hard work? Not a chance. Many hard working people are dirt poor. And lazy people sometimes get very wealthy.

So what IS the answer? Why do some find success and others seem to get PWND by life at every turn? Here's a Law of Attraction Explanation, which also happens to be a common-sense explaination:

It's what you are habitually thinking...

The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is (wait for it)...mindset. Attitude truly is everything, and it is the determining factor in your success in ANY area of your life. Will you be rich? Will you have a great relationship? Will you be happy and content? These things are all the product of your mindset...what you are thinking.

That's why developing and maintaining a great mindset is SO important. It literally is the difference between success and failure.

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